
Orthodontics charge of the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of anomalies of structures dentomaxilofaciales, preventing, diagnosing and correcting alterations and keeping them in a state of health and harmony, using various types of forces.

There are two types of endodontic treatment

The technique of using fixed appliances which use permanent adhesive elements (brackets) and other accessories (bows, tubes, bands, etc.), takes approximately 18 to 24 months, as applicable in the case of children and adults all ages, being also complementary to other areas such as implantology, protein and aesthetics.

The fixed orthodontic treatments are carried out with brackets can be metal ions or aesthetic.

Metal brackets conflict

Brackets metal ions are the most common, because they are reliable, resilient and force applied is not compromised so that the treatment tends to be shorter.

Brackets Estéticos

Made aesthetic brackets: plastic, ceramic, sapphire or polycarbonate, ceramic and sapphire being the most resistant, does not change its color and is recommended for all malocclusions.

The technique with removable appliances is using devices that are removed and placed in the mouth as directed by their treatment, and act on the jaw bone up, moving in turn groups of teeth are generally indicated by modify bites defective at an early age.

Changes in bite.


The jaw and / or lower teeth are advanced with respect to upper maxillary . Be caused by increased growth of the jaw, jaw to poor growth or higher installed convinacion both.


The jaw is retruded position in regard to the upper maxillary.

Open Bite

Where teeth before or after no contact, may be caused by poor or swallowing problems fonoaudiologicos.

Bite Crusade

When a tooth or group of teeth bite into a cross position with respect to normal.


When there are spaces between teeth that are not normally exist.

Deep Bite

When the upper teeth completely or almost completely cover the lower teeth.


Malposiciò is a lack of space for the teeth, where they are mounted on one another, there are different degrees depending on their severity.

Current treatment

Previously it was thought that orthodontic treatments were exclusively for children, but today we know that can be performed at any age we can excellent results.